Have you been wanting to get homemade fermented food into your diet but aren't sure how? 

It's easy, safe, and delicious! 

Christin will demonstrate how she has been fermenting the same batch of Water Kefir (tibicos) for over a decade and share some of her favorite recipes! 

Water Kefir is a fermented beverage that can be made in just a few days and in pretty much any flavor you can dream up! (It's tastier than Kombucha!) Unlike Kefir, it is non-dairy and vegan friendly. 

It has tons of benefits for gut-health and building a healthy microbiome. 

Come learn how! Christin will have a limited supply of her own Water Kefir grains to share with participants so you can get started at home right away!

Wednesday April 17, 2024



Wild Heart Herb House

777 Shawmut Avenue

New Bedford, MA

(If you haven't visited Wild Heart yet, it's worth coming just to check it out! The gardens outside this adorable apothecary has a labyrinth!)

Water Kefir can be made in any flavor you can imagine! This is my beach rose petal water kefir from summer!